It’s truly amazing what you can find on the internet. This exquisite picture is a 1963 Kreidler Renn Florett and is just one of 700 high quality rendered images on Bert Knoester’s extensive archive of historically interesting motorcycles, scooters and mopeds of the twentieth century. The site is called Motorcycles of the 20th Century and features most of the best motorcycles ever manufactured, ranging from a 1907 Harley Davidson through to the world famous 1987 Buell RR1000 Battletwin. Whether you need some inspiration for a project or just want to see the vast number of unique motorcycles the world has produced over the past 100 years this site won’t disappoint. Another site worth checking out is The Blueprints which also has a huge selection of almost 2000 motorcycle pictures, drawings and models. The site even offers higher quality images to those that choose to register to their free membership. Enjoy. [Image courtesy of Bert Knoester]