How’s this for some kind of record. I dropped into the Deus ex Machina V-Twin show on Saturday and took some snaps for you all. Now let me define terms here. I took my first shot at 2:37pm, and my last at 3:57. In that time I took exactly 939 photographs. That’s 939 photos in 80 minutes, or about 12 shots a minute; one shot every 5 seconds for eighty minutes. I could have sworn I saw smoke wafting out of my camera afterwards and I’m only just regaining sensation in my right index finger.

See how much we love you guys? Heaps. That’s how much.

P.S. Yes, we know that some of the bikes aren’t v-twins. Despite my many loud protestations to the Deus management to have all non-Vees impounded on sight and their riders brutally interrogated, they refused and many different bikes mixed together in a crazy kind of engine configuration orgy. So, so dirty.