As you’ve all probably noticed, we’ve got a bit of a spam problem which has been getting worse of late. Now far be it from us to restrict your access to knock-off Louis Vuitton handbags, soccer cleats, or Viagra we are today taking serious steps to make sure these leaches don’t rain on our parade anymore.

How are we going to do this? By changing the way we all make comments – that’s how. For the next few hours we’ll be changing over to a new system called DISQUS which has become the blogging industry’s new standard for comments. It’ll not only allow us to gradually stop the spamming, but it’s a better commenting system overall and will allow you all to get strangely annoyed about exhaust wrap interact with each other and discuss the latest Pipeburn posts with much more efficiency.

Please bare with us while we try our best to port the old comments over to the new system. Remember, this is new for us as well so it may take a few hours (or maybe more) to get it running properly. Please hold off from making any comments until you see a post from us giving you the all clear below. After that please feel free to try out the new system with a test comment or two. Thanks for your patience!